This post is just a quick note as I allways forget how to bump the hardcoded filesize limit in the awesome All-in-One-WP-Migration
plugin for Wordpress. Since you’re reading this I guess the same applies to you ;).
I’m using the Bitnami Wordpress image image in AWS Lightsail. So your paths will probably be different, use your brain..
The default upload limit is hardwired to 80M in php.ini
, but we can change that:
$ vi /home/bitnami/stack/php/etc/php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 2048M
post_max_size = 2048M
I bumped it to 2GB as that is enough to accommodate for my use-case.
WARNING: You should really think twice about possible implications by bumping these limits.
There’s another limit set inside the plugin code, let’s change it to 2GB:
$ vi /home/bitnami/stack/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/constants.php
define( 'AI1WM_MAX_FILE_SIZE', 2 * 1024 * 1024 )
Even though not technically I required; I value having confidence that stuff works after a reboot. So instead of restarting individual services I just reboot the box. Check the results at the All-in-One WP Migration -> Import
section, it should resemble something like this:
Hope this helps someone out there :)